
Showing posts from February, 2021

Reading Notes: Sindbad, Part A

Week 5 Story: The Killing of the Dragon

Reading Notes: Santal Folklore, Part B

Reading Notes: Santal Folklore, Part A

Storybook Plan

Comment Wall

Week 4: Story Lab

Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables (Jacobs), Part B

Reading Notes: Aesop's Fables (Jacobs), Part A

Topic Research: Percy Jackson's Tales of the Sea

Week 3: Feedback Strategies

Week 3 Story: The Death of a Robin

Reading Notes: Saints and Animals, Part B

Reading Notes: Saints and Animals, Part A

Week 2: Feedback Thoughts

Week 2: Storybook Topic Brainstorm

Week 2 Story: The Lumberjack, the Clouded Leopard, and the Boy

Reading Notes: Week 2 Anthology

Week 2 Reading Overview